
A revolution in healthcare sector due to AI & ML

Have you heard about the term Artificial Intelligence which recently is creating a lot of buzz in the domain of science and technology? Well,the term first came into existence in 1955. John McCarthy coined the term AI,which is the branch of computer Technology that emphasizes on making intelligent machines (computers) . Through some complex algorithms computers are given the power to learn,remember, think and analyze like us humans. A way of making the computers intelligent is by making them learn from anything and everything.That is machine learning. A deadly disease such as cancer can be completely treated if it is diagnosed early in many cases the disease is diagnosed in later stages where it is very little that can be done to save life. AI can be a life saving tool in such cases. Algorithms are made that analyse the data of several cancer parents and is capable of detecting a minute change in the body that can lead to cancer. This data analysis also helps doctors get awar...

Responsible Use of Medicines Handbook

This is time to use medicine in responsible and scientific manner. This is the unique guide (rather layman's handbook) published by IPA. this is useful for all pharmacist, doctor, nurse, civil person, everyone. download the free pdf book from the below link :

Color Atlas of Pharmacology by Heinz

Download colour atlas of pharmacology by heinz:

Flow of fluid measurement devices

From our previous post now we have fair idea about flow of fluid. In this presentation we are going to give you another idea about the devices used to measure the flow of fluid . here a good nptel notes regarding this is attached . enjoy your study .download the pdf -

Pharmaceutical Engineering: Flow of Fluid

Its time to know details about flow of fluid from Bhaskar Kumar,  IIT Roorkee. In this presentation you guys easily able to understand flow of various fluids. download the free pdf from here-                       

Basics of Cell signaling

Basics of Cell Signaling Basics of Cell Signaling Basics of Cell Signaling                                                     Basics of Cell signaling Basics of cell signaling and everything you want to know about cell signaling now in one in all notes. Free download the notes of Cell signaling- Basics of Cell Signaling   Basics of Cell Signaling

Nobel prize in physiology or medicine

Hey guys, do you know who wins this year Nobel prize in physiology or medicine ? why they win it? what is a circadian clock? do you know what is bio clock?exclusive papers of their research. to understand their fundamental research details. To download the full article just check the following link-